Apprenticeships - Associate Project Manager (Level 4)

What is a Level 4 Apprenticeship?

Project Management is critical to enabling business performance and organisational success. Today's organisations manage projects within increasingly complex environments driven by regulatory change and organisational restructure. New product development, integration, outsourcing, policy implementation as well as systems development and implementation are all key project initiatives individuals need to manage.

Providing staff with skills they need to drive projects and deliver anticipated outcomes, on time and on budget, is essential. Effective project managers make a significant difference to the organisation and the Associate Pro-ject Manager Apprenticeship (Level 4) is the best way to establish an in-house capability.

We work with you to ensure your Apprentice is set for a learning journey that features both competences of knowledge and practical skills.


On Programme Training

Each Apprentice, under this programme, has the benefit of 20% of their worktime dedicated to learning. Whilst the Employers decide how this learning time is distributed, we create a tailored learning programme to meet your Apprentice needs. As a specialist project management organisation, we believe that we deliver one of the best Level 4 Apprenticeships for your learners – and can prove it!

Apprentices will undergo between 13 to 15 month training and development while on the programme at Level 4.

Apprenticeship Module Breakdown

Project Standards

We follow a unique 4-step cycle process to instil the knowledge required and to prepare Apprentices for their project management role.

Apprentices read/review around the topic area and prepared to discuss how the topic is implemented in their working environment. They then attend a face2face training and development workshop in their own environment with their course tutor to share their new knowledge and to gain an in-depth understanding of how to further apply the topic in their work environment.

As part of their development, Apprentices create a unique personal journal for each topic area which they add to their portfolios with evidence of their practical application in the work they have undertaken. Apprentices present their portfolio for review and discussion with their Line Manager and Mentor and, when appropriate, they are reviewed by the course tutor while on their development journey through our e-portfolio and management information system.

Ongoing Development

The development, review and assessment cycle we have established enables the Apprentices to enhance their knowledge, reflect on good practice, and deepen their understanding of the project management areas and role in the organisation.

We work with the Employer to identify development opportunities and interventions. Additional modules allow for seamless integration with the programme and the Apprentices competence development.


We work with the Employer to decide when Apprentices are ready for Evidence for End-Point Assessment. We ensure Employers gain a holistic view of the Apprentices while on-programme and their progression through an e-portfolio management information system.

As part of the programme, we can also facilitate an internal End-Point Assessment panel in which

Apprentices practice their submissions, presentations and interview technique and, through reflection and feedback, provide them with the best chance for success.

End-Point Assessment

The end point assessment is carried out by an independent assessment organisation. The consists of two assessments:

  • Written Project report with presentation and questioning that last 60 minutes (the presentation component of the assessment method is typically 20 minutes, thequestioning component of the assessment method is typically 40 minutes plus 10%, if necessary, to allow for the apprentice to complete a response)
  • Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence. Lasting 60 minutes (plus 10%, if necessary, to allow for the apprentice to complete a response)

On passing the Apprenticeship, the independent End-Point Assessment organisation calls for certification from the Awarding Body – a worthy recognition of the Apprentices' hard work and achievement.

Further Information

For more information, please take the time to look at the Associate Project Manager level 4 standard on the Institute for Apprenticeships here.

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